Cautious Abandon


Give up.


Walk away.

Don’t look back.

What does it mean to abandon something?  Walking away, perhaps without even a backwards glance.

Maybe something that causes pain or heartbreak.  

The act of abandonment seems to be cruel. Children are abandoned.  Families are abandoned.

Abandoned pets.  Abandoned lives.  

Abandoned dreams.  

But what if the word wasn’t negative or cruel? What if you abandoned an old way of thinking?  What if you abandoned a pattern of living that wasn’t working?  What if you abandoned the past in order to dream of a better future?

Still.  The word.  Abandon.  Reckless Abandon.  It evokes images in my brain of someone standing up and screaming. No premeditation.  Just a spur of the moment decision, maybe even made in rage or anger.



You’ve gotten this far, so obviously you know the name of this site is not “Reckless Abandon.”  It is “Cautious Abandon.”  

But what does that mean?  

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